Saturday, November 17, 2007


There you are again, such beauty and grace
Concern, love and compassion all over your face
Showing me data we'd both like to erase.

But these are the facts that we cannot deny
The cards I've been dealt can't be shuffled, we've tried.
So we swallow and stare and the hand side by side.

This isn't the first meeting like this and won't be the last
We talk about future possibilities and go over the past
Knowing you'll do your best with the die I've been cast.

And so Maha, my doctor, my beautiful friend,
We are off to do battle against our enemy again.
A fight that the data shows we probably won't win.

But that doesn't stop us, no, not you and I
We'll find something together and give it a try.
Never losing the purpose and faith, never asking why.

For we have God behind us, oh yes ma'am we do.
Even though some say our God is really two;
Two different ones, but we know what is true:

God is always with us, of that there is no doubt.
We can stand firm in that knowledge, no matter how this turns out.
With all the different options, our FAITH has the most clout.

So my beautiful Muslim sister, I want you to know
I'm still ready for anything; let's get it on with the show.
Even though we don't know where this path will go.

I do know that Christ the Physician is by my side.
He carries me through and has you along for the ride.
This was a divine plan and cannot be denied.

My Lord loves us both, and he gives me the strength
to follow through this path, no matter how painful the length.
Praying through the numbers for victory, for He reigns!

Maha, know one but our Creator knows what you mean to me. I thank God every day that
you are my earthly physician, helping me through this journey. I love you.

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