Friday, June 27, 2008

Rule #3

When cell phones first came out, I had one. I used it for work. It was in a bag the size of a small laptop and was hardwired to my car. The antenna was on the roof. It cost about $600.00. That's hard to believe, isn't it. In the last 20 years of owning mobile phones, I have always adhered to three rules:
Never answer the phone during church (duh)
Never answer the phone in a restaurant
Never answer the phone in a bathroom.

I have never broken rule #1. Even though my phone is on vibrate and in my purse, it will never be answered in God's house.

I have, since my daughter has gotten older with a cell phone of her own, broken rule #2. I have always felt compelled to be there for her, and now that she is away from home, you just never know what your child may no dinner in a restaurant is more important than being there if she needs me.

I had never broken rule # 3 until last Wednesday. Just on principal and dignity alone, who answers the phone when they are on the toilet??? But I did just that, last Wednesday, because the call was from Janet. I had left her a message wanting to know what Maha had thought about the latest ca27/29 number. I wanted to know if we should be doing anything, looking at alternative angles yet, or sticking with the program. I was obsessing and worried....I needed to know what they both thought. So, when the phone rang and I had just sat down, I answered. I almost got away with it, but the reception was bad and when I stood up to walk outside, pants half zipped, still needing to go, the automatic toilet flusher went off like a jet blasting down the runway. "What was that?" asked Janet. So, I had to confess that I had answered the phone in a restroom stall at the Georgia State Welcome Center.

Janet and I had our discussion. I was calmed by her calm and the fact that we are continuing to go forward with our plan. I told her that we were stepping out on faith on this one, this hormone
pill, this break, my summer camp where I am away and God is so with me. The truth is, I feel great. I can do just about anything in moderation and feel better than I have in over two years. So, to know we were not going to abandon this therapy, that the daily small white pill will do for another 30 days at least, I don't regret breaking rule #3

Sometimes you gotta lose a little dignity to gain a little peace. It's a trade I'll make any day.

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