Friday, January 4, 2008

Psalm 118:17

So. How do you measure a miracle? Most people think of miracles as huge lightning-bolt moments where instantaneous and unbelievable events take place. My loved ones, my friends, my prayer warriors and my medical support team know otherwise.

They have been living a constant miracle with me for the past seven years...particularly the past four. I have had so many of them assure me that God had plans for me, plans for a long life, plans for me to bear witness to His greatness and love and faithfulness. There have been times,
like this past October, when my tumor marker sky-rocketed and my scans showed bad developments, when my faith in all this has been momentarily shaken, but my faithful, loving friends, family, doctors and nurses have always gotten me back on track through their unwillingness to give in to what the reports say. They have remained true in their belief that God is with me and I cannot, for one instant, give up hope.

Well, He did it again. Another miracle came my way in the form of a tumor marker that dropped so far so fast, that even I, who have gotten constant phone calls about my marker,
couldn't believe the response that Ixempra/Xeloda gave me. In only six weeks time, I suddenly
have a marker as low as it was in July...before the days of "oh its in your liver" and "now its even in your brain". Who'd have thunk it? All of them did. Somewhere in their hearts,
my family, friends, and medical team were thinking we were going to have a success here.
In the back of their minds as in the back of mine, we tucked away the possibility of failure and focused on the hope of positive results. And all of us, in some form or another, prayed for another miracle and we got it.

Last week, when I was leaving Maha's office, I told her that I did not really expect to be standing with her, feeling so good, hoping for progress after her conversation with me last
November 1. We were shaking our heads and smiling. She hugged me and said, "you are my miracle girl." And even though complete healing has not taken place, even though we still are in the midst of the fight, the storm, the fire, she was right. Hope and faith and miracles are alive and well in my life. We all continue on , standing on faith, loving our God and each other. It is a spectacular thing to be a part of.

So my miracle arrived on Wednesday in the form of a phone call from Janet with the news of the tumor marker. (thank you Janet for your love, compassion, and obvious delight in my victory!)
I am so blessed. I am so loved. I am so much a witness for the faithfulness of God and the healing power of our Lord Jesus, even when it comes in pieces.

So, we will take hold of God's Word, stand in faith----and then keep standing.

"I will not die but live, and proclaim what the Lord has done." Psalm 118:17

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