Monday, December 15, 2008

Hooray for me, I'm 53!

Today is my birthday. Another year, another milestone, another VICTORY! We have kept the enemy at bay. Even though evil lurks constantly in the background, and every so often, something wicked this way comes, we have managed to pull off another 365 days in the life of me. It is 10 days before Christmas and 17 days before the first day of 2009. I woke up this morning pain-free again, fairly clear-headed and ready to focus on the next set of tasks at hand.
I am increasingly encouraged by my recovery from all the ugliness of November, my lack of any symptoms defying what the last set of numbers wanted to tell us. God's grace is truly upon us all.

To those of you who know me, who know what this past year has been those of you in my boat.....I cannot say thank you enough. Thank you for another great birthday gift. Thank you for another wild, wonderful, sometimes scary year to live. Thank you for believing, right along with me that we had a lot of things to do, a lot of life to live, a lot of love to give to one another. It was your faith in me that kept my head above water. It was your acknowledgement of my faith in my Lord that allowed me to let miracles work in my life all the time. It was your love for me that made even the worst of days and darkest of times bearable.

Tonight, I will be having a birthday dinner with my husband and daughter at Maggiones' in Durham. We will have some champagne and eat great food. And you can be sure we will be lifting our glasses in a toast for my birthday. Even though it will be just the three of us sitting there, everyone who has been in my boat will be there in our minds, in our hearts, in our souls. God and all of you, raising a glass for me.

Cheers! My cup runneth over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Kathy! After many months, I've returned to your blog for inspiration, hope & love. You were there at the cancer center when I was diagnosed, watched me fight a reaction to Taxol & have never been far from my mind...and always in my prayers. After 16 weeks of chemo, 2 surgeries, 7 weeks of daily radiation & a small break from chemo to strengthen my heart, I'm now joyously CANCER FREE. I'm in your boat & honored to be there.

Happy New Year, my friend.
