Friday, February 22, 2008

Plant some seeds.

Here is a little know fact: Very few people I know know about this blog site. The fact is, I first started "blogging" as a way to consolidate all my journaling and tell so many of my stories. I think I have given out this address to a handful of people...a sister-in-law, two good friends, the nursing staff at my oncologist's office and a new patient just last week. I really didn't intend for it to be widely read and certainly did not expect people to write me back. What this blog site is is really a field where I can just plant some seeds. I have all the faith in the world that my seeds will grow and just when someone needs a flower they will be directed to this field of mine.

I keep this field of seeds and flowers and hope and encouragement close to my heart. Sometimes I am reluctant to let others in on the harvest because I have nutured this garden of my world so carefully over the years. But I know that in order for me to really reap the harvest from the seeds I have sown, I have to allow others to join in when the crops bloom. I have to share.

The exciting part is...I never know who will end up on the receiving end of my harvest. I don't really know you...but I know you're out there. I see how many times people come to my site...I hear feedback from some. I know that I could not possibly expect to reap a harvest without sowing the seeds.....and so I write on. I write hoping that somewhere, someone will pick one of my fl0wers, take a deep breath, smell the sweetness of life, and feel that God is with them.
I write hoping that one of you who knows about this site will read one of my entries and think of someone who may need the flower of ecouragement or hope and direct them here. I write, mostly, because I feel it is the way God wants me to tell what great things He has done for me,
what great things He can do for everyone.

So my dear friends, I stand today in the middle of this field I have planted, arms open, feelings exposed, faith declared, and pray that you and others you tell will pick a flower or two. It is the reason I write, the reason I planted the seeds. May you pick a whole bouquet.

"Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly reaps sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously." 2 Cor 9:6

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are indeed a sweet aroma to the Lord. A precious one in His sight. Keep on writing girlfriend. He has a plan for this. You are loved. NL